An Old Style Blog App
HTML headings are defined using the h1 to h6 elements. They are used to structure the content of a webpage, and they also help search engines understand the hierarchy of the content on the page.
In HTML, you can use the <p> element to represent a paragraph.
Here is an example of how to use the <p> element:
Text Formatting
Text formatting in HTML refers to how you can control the appearance of text on a web page. This can include things like making text bold or italic, changing the font or font size, and aligning text.
<strong>: Makes text bold
<b>: Makes text bold
<em>: Italicizes text
<i>: Italicizes text
<u>: The <u> tag in HTML is used to underline text
<s>: Strikes through text
<strike>: Strikes through text
Note that the <strike> element is deprecated in HTML5 and may not be supported in all modern web browsers. It is generally recommended to use other text formatting techniques, such as the text-decoration CSS property, to achieve the same effect.
<sub>: Makes text subscript
<sup>: Makes text superscript
<small>: Makes text small
<big>: Makes text big
<mark>: Highlights text
<abbr>: Represents an abbreviation
<acronym>: Represents an acronym (Not Supported)
<dfn>: Represents a definition
<ins>: The <ins> tag in HTML is used to represent inserted text